Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent Component 2

“I, David Delgado, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.” 

This semester for my individual component I decided to do two things.  I decided to do partial of my cellphone business which is very time consuming. I always have to be alert and and be able to meet with potiental clients whom have to be put as a first priority. It's unfortunate that it wouldn't  be fair if I did my 30 hrs in two days since it  consist of being alert at all times. I tried my best my breaking down my cellphone business into pieces. The pieces I spread it into are the buying, selling, and posting. I have here gathered a few photos that show my post and the items I purchase. I have decided not to share all information because loose lips sink ships. I left some price information in order to for the viewer to see how much I work with. I've attached a log of a few phones ( serial numbers)  that I purchased. You can go here and type it in to verify the phone exist. This information is used for educational purposes only.

Furthermore by going to iPoly I have never done what I'm required to do of work. I am also taking a college class at Cal Poly that is every Monday and Wednesday. This class meets twice a week for a total of  almost 2 hrs. This class ends in June. 

How did it help you answer your EQ?  Be specific and use examples.

My cellphone business helped me understand how important Customer Service is in a business. Customers will always need the help, and one must be able to be there in order to receive more potential business in the future. It is proven that it is harder to attract a new customer. This has helped me understand my interviews when they claim that customer service is one of the most important things in managing any business. Furthermore the college class I'm taking is for my personal benefit in order to advance. This class explains how there are many parts to management, and haven't gotten the final understanding because the class is still in progress.

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